
Dr. Bernard C.Gindes, once wrote: "We have been much too prone to lump hypnosis in the same category in which we file our ideas on witches, warlocks and wizards; even orthodox science is inclined to approach the subject with very much the attitude of an average man investigating a haunted house: he doesn't believe in ghosts, but he definitely hopes he won't meet one!"

How true! Most people have a wrong impression about hypnosis from the stage shows and popular cartoon characters like Mandrake the magician. Consequently, many myths about hypnosis are prevalent even amongst the educated. Let us examine some of these myths and sort out the facts and realities about hypnosis.

Myth # 1: Hypnosis is an unnatural phenomenon.

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The Reality: Hypnosis is a perfectly normal phenomenon of the subconscious mind. Here are a few examples of spontaneous, natural hypnosis in our day to day life:

  • The calming effect during prayer.
  • Supermarket Hypnosis: Yes, their flashy advertisements and offers do hypnotize us from buying something that is absolutely not necessary.
  • Absorbed in an interesting book.
  • Day dreaming: a type of self hypnosis.
  • Highway hypnosis while driving: tend to cause accidents due to the subconscious mind thinking that the car will go on by it even if the driver nods off!

Myth # 2:Hypnosis is dangerous.

The Reality: Hypnosis is absolutely safe in trained hands. No one can be forced into doing things that he does not want to do. Used unethically and unprofessionally, the danger of negative suggestions being implanted does exist, though.

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Myth # 3: Under hypnosis, the individual losses his consciousness.

The Reality: The (hypnotized) subject is aware of the surroundings at all times, unless he falls asleep during the induction.

Myth # 4: Hypnosis will weaken one's mind.

The Reality: On the contrary, positive suggestions given during the induction bolster confidence and self esteem in the hypnotized individual.

Myth # 5: Hypnosis is addictive.

The Reality: Hypnosis is not a drug or a habit forming process, but a natural response of the mind.

Myth # 6: The subject may reveal his innermost secrets during hypnosis

The Reality: No one will reveal anything that he does not want to during hypnosis.

Myth # 7: The subject surrenders his will power under hypnosis.

The Reality: The power of hypnotisability lies in the subject and not in the hypnotist! The subject only allows his mind and body to relax and accept positive suggestions from the hypnotist that are beneficial for the subject himself, not the other way round.

Myth # 8: The subject may not awaken after a deep trance.

The Reality: This is an unfounded fear. Even if the hypnotist does not ask the subject to come out of the trance, the subject can come out on his own. Some individuals just sleep it of and awaken refreshed and energetic.

Myth # 9: It is possible to force the subject to commit crimes under hypnotic suggestions

The Reality: Again another unfounded myth. As explained above, unless the subject wants to, he cannot be forced to commit any acts which are contrary to his moral, cultural and social upbringing.

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Myth # 10: Only the weak minded can be hypnotized.

The Reality: Intelligent people with high IQ can very easily go into hypnotic trance due to their sharp concentrating capabilities. In fact, you need normal intelligence to be hypnotized. If you are mentally deranged or a moron, you cannot be hypnotized. Children above the age of 4 years can be hypnotized quite easily, not because they are weak, but because of their fresh receptiveness and ability to achieve better mental imageries in a shorter duration of time than their adult counterparts.

To summarize, hypnosis, indeed is a normal psycho-physiological phenomenon, which can be quite a pleasurable experience. Even in the deepest of hypnotic trances, the subject is aware of his surroundings. Auto hypnosis can help build up our confidence and self esteem while hetero-hypnosis helps in improving interpersonal relationships.

Thus, hypnosis can be considered an inherent characteristic of all human beings which heighten and direct the suggestibility of the mind and lead to increased concentration of the mind and relaxation of the body.

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